We are working hard to safely provide meaningful connection with children, youth, and families. If you want to sign up for our newsletter, "Growing Green" that focuses on children and families, please contact Kim Strong at [email protected]. For more information on youth activities, contact Pastor Sarah at [email protected]
At Green Street, children are cherished as vital, fully participating members of the faith community. We know God more fully because of the wonderful kids who join us each week, and we seek to help each child know God more fully as well.
Sunday School – We have classes for Pre-K and Elementary aged children on Sunday mornings from 9:45 - 10:45 a.m.
Worship – At Green Street, we believe it is important for kids to participate in inter-generational worship, so we tailor specific parts of the 11:00 service to include them. On regular Sundays, kids have a chance to gather at the altar for a story or short conversation that opens the particular focus of the gospel lesson to them. Afterwards, they help take up a “noisy offering” for contributions to The Shalom Project. Kids also regularly have opportunities to lead in worship as liturgists, acolytes, and more.
Nursery – Our weekly nursery is staffed by a paid nursery worker and a rotating church volunteer. Typically, the age for nursery runs from infant to age 4.
Activities – We have a variety of special events throughout the year like a Pumpkin Patch Hayride, play dates in the park, bowling, service projects, an Easter egg hunt, and our stocking stuffing Christmas party for The Shalom Project. In play, in prayer and in worship we are Growing Green together!!
Youth Ministries
Our youth (Grades 6-12) are a vital part of the Green Street family. As our young people move up from children's ministries to youth ministries, we focus on forming and equipping them to lead and participate in the life of the church and the broader community.
Youth Group – The youth gather for fun, formation, and fellowship on Sunday evenings, sharing meals, playing games, asking big questions, and getting more connected with themselves, with one another, and with God. Our staff and adult volunteers facilitate activities and support our youths' growth. Youth group generally meets 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Sundays from 3:30-5pm and 4th Sundays at an alternate time, during the school year.
Confirmation – In United Methodism, confirmation is when a baptized Christian publicly professes their faith for the first time and becomes a full member of the local church. Confirmation usually runs from January through May.
Retreats and Trips – Green Street youth have been on a number of trips and retreats focused on spiritual formation, friendship, and community. Each year, our youth participate in Wilderness Trail, a backpacking and adventure ministry based in Troutdale, VA. The youth have also done beach retreats and other weekend trips where they learn, grow, and play together.
Safe Sanctuaries
At Green Street, we are committed to keeping our youth and children safe so they can learn and grow in a supportive and caring environment. We follow Safe Sanctuaries policies, which you can find spelled out here.