The Early Service, 8:45 amCasual-Quiet-Communion
8:45 Enter in Silence 9:00 Songs for Singing & Reflection 9:15 Scripture & Sermon 9:35 Celebration of Holy Communion: Communion will be taken by intinction. |
Sunday School for Children and AdultsFrom 9:45-10:45 AM, a number of Sunday school classes meet at Green Street Church. These classes allow participants to delve more deeply into the weekly themes of worship services and the Christian year.
Our 11:00 Worship ServiceThe 11:00 AM worship service at Green Street is a celebration of community, where the diversity of the human family is honored.
Worship is a time to put oneself in the pathway of the Spirit. There’s no telling what might happen. The experience in worship is a blend of traditional Methodist liturgy, free-church African American influence, Hispanic culture, social gospel, all stuck together with a jazz-fused gravy. Green Street is blessed to have some of the best jazz and blues musicians in the city sharing their musical gifts as a part of their devotion to the church. The hour may be Sunday at 11:00, but sometimes the music comes from Saturday night. We celebrate diversity through dissonant harmonies, heartfelt prayers, syncopated rhythms, spirituals and freedom songs, preaching that challenges the mind and heart. Come and see for yourself. |
Second Sundays
Join Green Street's Anti-Racism Team on the Second Sunday of each month at 9:45 as they continue to build relationships and dig deeper into issues of race and racism that affect us all. Coffee at 9:45, conversation will begin at 10:00
Spanish Speakers
In addition to our regular worship, a Spanish speaking worship service is held each Sunday at 11:30 am in the Chapel. On the first Sunday of each month, participants in this service join the rest of the congregation in the Sanctuary for Holy Communion. In addition, 4-5 bilingual services are held each year. For more information about our Hispanic Ministry contact Amparo and Raul Andriano.
Children in Worship
Our regular worship services are child-friendly! We provide activity packets and books for younger children to use in the pews. Children’s sermons relate the weekly worship themes in language they can access. Children also help our worship experience by serving as acolytes, and collecting the weekly Noisy Offering, pocket change designated for The Shalom Project. For more information about Children's Programming see our Children and Youth page.
For children 4 years old and younger, a nursery is provided each Sunday, with activities, music, a story and songs. The Nursery is located on the 2nd floor of the education building.
Join Green Street's Anti-Racism Team on the Second Sunday of each month at 9:45 as they continue to build relationships and dig deeper into issues of race and racism that affect us all. Coffee at 9:45, conversation will begin at 10:00
Spanish Speakers
In addition to our regular worship, a Spanish speaking worship service is held each Sunday at 11:30 am in the Chapel. On the first Sunday of each month, participants in this service join the rest of the congregation in the Sanctuary for Holy Communion. In addition, 4-5 bilingual services are held each year. For more information about our Hispanic Ministry contact Amparo and Raul Andriano.
Children in Worship
Our regular worship services are child-friendly! We provide activity packets and books for younger children to use in the pews. Children’s sermons relate the weekly worship themes in language they can access. Children also help our worship experience by serving as acolytes, and collecting the weekly Noisy Offering, pocket change designated for The Shalom Project. For more information about Children's Programming see our Children and Youth page.
For children 4 years old and younger, a nursery is provided each Sunday, with activities, music, a story and songs. The Nursery is located on the 2nd floor of the education building.